LeBron James’s PR Advisor Complains He’s “Exhausted” By James’s Support For BLM

Adam Mendelsohn, longtime public relations advisor to Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James, said that he was “exhausted” with the NBA star’s commitment to social justice causes such as Black Lives Matter and the Me Too movement. The comments were made during a phone conversation with ESPN’s NBA reporter Rachel Nichols, which were reported by The New York Times, Sunday.

“I’m exhausted. Between Me Too and Black Lives Matter, I got nothing left,” he said in the leaked phone call.

LeBron James, PR, BLM
Mike Ehrmann / Getty Images

When asked for comment by CNBC, after the bombshell report, Mendelsohn expressed regret for his comments.

“I made a stupid, careless comment rooted in privilege and I am sincerely sorry. I shouldn’t have said it or even thought it,” Mendelsohn told the outlet in an email. “I work to support these movements and know that the people affected by these issues never get to be exhausted or have nothing left. I have to continue to check my privilege and work to be a better ally.”

The NYT report exposed Nichols for complaining about the hiring of a Black reporter, Maria Taylor, over herself to cover the NBA finals pre- and postgame shows. Nichols complained that Taylor was only given the position because she is Black.
