LeBron James Compares Bronny To Himself With Side-By-Side Dunk Clip

Bronny James has been receiving a ton of attention as of late and it easy to see why. The eldest son of LeBron James is currently a member of FaZe Clan and he is also a high-level high school basketball player with Sierra Canyon. While he was mostly injured during his Sophomore season, Bronny has been able to get healthy, and how, he is playing summer ball all while his father watches him and coaches him from the stands.

Recently, Bronny came through with a huge steal and a dunk that had fans on their feet. It was reminiscent of a similar play his father made while playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and LeBron took notice. On Instagram, James posted side-by-side clips of each dunk, with the caption “Like father, like son.”

Needless to say, LeBron is a proud father and he truly believes his son has the potential to be great. Heading into his third year at Sierra Canyon, Bronny has an opportunity to take his game to the next level, and if he is able to accomplish that, then we could very well see him on a high-level college team by the time he turns 18 years old. 

With a father like LeBron at his side, there is no denying that he is constantly being given the keys to success. It will now be up to him and execute on everything he has learned.

Bronny James Jr

Joe Robbins/Getty Images