Lamar Odom Sued For Not Paying Child Support

Former NBA star Lamar Odom has two children with his former partner Liza Morales and since 2015, he has steadily been paying child support. In fact, Odom was supposed to pay Morales upwards of $6,000 per month and was even supposed to maintain a $9 million life insurance policy. However, in a new lawsuit, Morales is suing Odom for skipping out on the child support payments. In fact, according to Page Six, Odom hasn’t paid up since last June.

As a direct result of Odom’s actions, Morales claims she is being evicted from her apartment in Manhattan which costs over $5,000 per month. This has effectively put her and her children in a very tight spot, and that’s exactly why she is seeking damages against the former star.

Lamar Odom

Rich Fury/Getty Images

“In June 2020, Lamar stopped providing any support save for sporadic amounts sent directly to LJ, placing their son in a very difficult situation,” documents from the lawsuit said. Morales currently owes $78,000 in unpaid rent, and as Page Six reports, their son ended up going to community college as Morales could not afford the tuition for a four-year institution.

Odom has yet to comment on the situation, so stay tuned for any updates as this is a developing story.

Lamar Odom

Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images
