Lamar Odom Claims He Was Drugged On The Night Of Near-Fatal Overdose

It was an unforgettable moment in pop culture history when news reports surfaced that Lamar Odom was clinging to life back in October 2015. In the weeks that followed, the Kardashians would also pull focus as then-estranged wife Khloé Kardashian would travel to be by her husband’s side in a Nevada hospital. Then, reports stated that Odom had been at the Love Ranch brothel and has suffered a near-fatal overdose, causing many to question his battle with substance abuse.

While Odom has admitted that over the years he had engaged in abusing drugs, he now claims that on the night of his overdose, he had not taken any and suggests that he was drugged.

Lamar Odom, Love Ranch
Steven Lawton / Stringer / Getty Images

Odom appeared on Addiction Talk on Facebook Live where he spoke about the embarrassment he felt from the experience after emerging from his coma and realizing drugs were the cause.

“I didn’t take anything that night,” he stated. “I was really hurt and almost in some sense afraid because somebody just tried to take my life.” The ordeal caused Odom to take his sobriety seriously after hitting his “rock bottom.” Following the death of his child back in 2006, a baby who passed away from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Odom admitted that his “crutch” became cocaine.

This isn’t the first time Odom has made the allegations against Love Ranch, because, in 2019, he mentioned brothel owner Dennis Hof, who passed away in 2018, when visiting The View.

“I think Dennis Hof—I don’t know what he had against me, but I didn’t do drugs that night, to be honest with you,” said Odom. “So I don’t know if he tried to poison me, or… I don’t know what he had against me. He tried to kill me.” Representatives for Hof’s estate have yet to respond to the allegations.
