Lamar Jackson Explains Why He Refuses To Get COVID-19 Vaccine

With the NFL season starting in just about a month from now, the league has been having issues when it comes to getting people vaccinated. There are various players out there who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine as they believe it could be harmful to their bodies. This has turned into a huge debate around league circles, and many are frustrated with the penalties that could come with not being jabbed.

The NFL isn’t messing around this year as teams could face steep fines and forfeits if unvaccinated players lead to an outbreak throughout the team. Needless to say, there is a lot of risk this season, and some players are remaining stubborn about their beliefs.

Lamar Jackson

Andy Lyons/Getty Images

One of those players is quarterback Lamar Jackson, who has battled COVID on two separate occasions. Recently, the NFL star was asked if he would ever consider changing his stance on the vaccine, although, at this point, that doesn’t seem likely.

“I feel it’s a personal decision,” Jackson said. “I’m just going to keep my feelings to my family and myself. I’m focused on getting better right now. I can’t dwell on that right now .. how everybody else feels.”

Jackson’s mentality is one that is shared by various other players around the league who feel like the vaccine isn’t important right now. This could very well continue to be an issue for the NFL, and only time will tell just how bad COVID could get within the league this year.