Lakers Take Drastic Measures After THT Tests Postive For COVID-19

This season has been a difficult one for the NBA as many players have ended up testing positive for COVID-19. Even with the virus dampening the symptoms and long-term effects, it is still possible to catch the virus even if you’re protected. As a result, various teams have had COVID outbreaks, and this week, it has gotten especially worse. For instance, the Chicago Bulls have 10 players out with the virus, while the Brooklyn Nets have five.

Today, it was reported that the Lakers now have a bit of a COVID scare on their hands as young star Talen Horton-Tucker was placed in COVID protocols. With the team taking on Dallas tomorrow night, they are now taking some drastic measures to ensure the safety of the rest of the team.

Talen Horton-Tucker

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

According to Dave McMenamin of ESPN, the Lakers decided to cancel practice today, and they even had every single player take an antigen and a PCR test in order to ensure they are negative for COVID-19. Only those who register a negative test will be allowed on the flight to Dallas. Needless to say, they are taking this very seriously as they don’t want to end up like the Bulls or the Nets.

While this might be a huge inconvenience for the team and its players, there is no denying that it’s a reality that will stay with the NBA until this pandemic draws to a close.