Lakers Make LeBron James’ Number Change Official

LeBron James was known for wearing the number 23 while in Cleveland and when he went to Miami, he changed to the number 6. This eventually became yet another iconic number for LeBron as he won two championships with the Heat while making it to four-straight NBA Finals. Once he left Miami, he went back to the number 23 which he has also been wearing in Los Angeles for the last three seasons.

At the beginning of the 2019-2020 season, LeBron promised to give Anthony Davis the number 23, which would allow him to go back to 6. Nike wouldn’t approve of this and, in the end, LeBron kept his number. Now, with “Space Jam” coming out soon, LeBron has been given the go-ahead to change back to the number 6 and on Monday, the Los Angeles Lakers came through with an official announcement for the change.

With LeBron going to the number 6, it remains to be seen whether or not Davis will want to reclaim his old 23. Either way, this is going to be a unique change for all of the fans and we’re sure LeBron is excited to relive his old number 6 glory days. 

Of course, this doesn’t actually mean much in the grand scheme of things, although it’s certainly going to do wonders for Lakers jersey sales.

LeBron James

Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images