Kyrie Irving Opens Up About Observing Ramadan And Fasting

Kyrie Irving has been having an incredible season with the Brooklyn Nets and as it stands, his team looks to be in contention for an NBA title. Irving is one of the most skilled players in the entire league and when he’s on the floor, you can pretty well guarantee that he’s going to pull out some impressive tricks.

This season, Irving has been a lot more open about his Muslim faith and how it has affected him on and off of the floor. In April, Irving is observing the Holy month of Ramadan which means during the day, he must fast. This means he cannot drink water and he cannot eat which is certainly a difficult task when you are looking to stay energized on the court. Despite this, he has remained at the top of his game and on Friday night, Irving explained what observing Ramadan means to him.

Kyrie Irving

Sarah Stier/Getty Images

“It’s just being committed to my service to God, Allah,” Irving said. “And then continuing on with whatever I’m guided with. I’m just happy to be part of my community and doing the right things. So, fasting is definitely is definitely part of it — if you know anything about the Muslim community. But yeah, just really blessed and grateful to be taking part of this.”

Irving’s commitment is extremely impressive and you can’t help but commend him for sticking true to himself and his faith throughout the season. It can be hard to slip-up, but Irving is showing tremendous courage.