Kym Whitley Details Not Suing Bobby Brown Over Bloody Bite To The Neck

Uncensored on TVOne often delivers behind-the-scenes stories that the public isn’t privy to, but tales of celebrities biting one another are not common. Comedic actor Kym Whitley took fans on a walk down memory lane during her feature on the series, and she shared several personal tidbits that surprised audiences.

The actress is known for her roles in features like The Boondocks, Deliver Us From Eva, Black Dynamite, The Parkers, That’s So Raven, Next Friday, and much more, and on Uncensored, she recalled running into Bobby Brown at the House of Blues.

Kym Whitley
John Sciulli / Stringer / Getty Images

According to Whitley, she was attending a party Magic Johnson was hosting for his wife, Cookie, and Bobby was on stage with his wife Whitney Houston. The couple was singing together but the powers that be were trying their best to get Brown off stage. Whitley said those were “wild years of Bobby” and when the R&B star saw Whitley backstage, he excitedly expressed that he was a fan.

“He grabbed me and he went to my neck, and he bit it! [I gushed] blood and everything. I don’t know if he thought he was a vampire,” Whitley joked. As funny as the moment is to her right now, it was frightening when it occurred. She said she “went down to the ground [and] security whisked him [away]. They took him out. There were towels and everything.”

People encouraged Whitley to sue Brown but in the end, she didn’t want to go that route. “It wasn’t like, I felt, ‘Oooh, I want Whitney’s money.’ I didn’t want anything bad to happen to him… He was just excited and crazy,” she said.

Check out a clip from the episode of Uncensored where Whitley discusses her first true love, Gerald Levert, below.
