Knicks Fans Wild Out On The Streets Of New York Following Season Opener

Wednesday night was massive for the New York Knicks as they won their season opener against the Boston Celtics by a score of 138-134 in double overtime. It was one of those games that had fans on their feet, and beating a division rival was certainly bittersweet for the rowdy Knicks fanbase. Madison Square Garden was electric all throughout the evening, and you couldn’t escape the hype outside of the building.

Knicks fans have been known to go just a tad overboard with their reactions to big wins, and that is exactly what took place on Wednesday night as Sidetalk NYC went to the streets of the city to talk with supporters. As you will see in the video below, there were some pretty hilarious reactions here.


Seth Wenig – Pool/Getty Images

In fact, the video even contains a “Fuck Trae Young” chant which is a reference to theĀ Knicks’ hatred of the Atlanta Hawks superstar. Young is the reason why the Knicks were eliminated from the playoffs last year, and there is still hatred for him throughout the city. As for the Celtics, many Knicks fans said they were smoking on the Boston pack, while others wanted to voice their displeasure with Tom Brady.

Knicks star Evan Fournier saw this clip on Twitter and immediately commented “What did I get myself into?” Needless to say, Knicks fans know exactly how to make an impression.