Klay Thompson Hilariously Reveals What The Warriors Are Missing

Klay Thompson is finally back on the Golden State Warriors roster, and fans could not be any happier about it. The Warriors are a team that seems destined for a Finals run this year, and with Thompson back on the floor, it would seem likely that they get their fourth title in seven years. Of course, anything can happen at this point, especially since Thompson and his teammate Steph Curry have proven to be injury-prone at times throughout their careers.

In just a week from now, it will be the NBA trade deadline, which means teams across the league will be attempting to improve their rosters by making a plethora of deals. The Warriors are one team looking to improve any which way, and as a result, Thompson is currently being asked about the team’s needs.

Klay Thompson

Kavin Mistry/Getty Images

Instead of giving a real answer on the matter, Thompson decided to offer up a hilarious response instead, in which he stated that the team is in desperate need of a new washing machine. Thompson delivered the line with a smirk on his face, all while the reporters at the press conference couldn’t help but laugh at the display. Needless to say, Thompson’s humor is still very much intact.

With the trade deadline coming up next week, stay tuned to HNHH as we will be sure to bring you all of the latest updates from around the NBA.