Key Glock Gets Photo-Realistic Young Dolph Tattoo

Young Dolph’s death has hit many in the hip-hop community hard. The Memphis artist was the true definition of a mogul as he looked to remain independent while also bugging up other artists through his label. His lyrics were funny and charming, while also maintaining the authenticity of a man who has been through a lot over the span of his life. His passing still comes as a shock, and it will take a while for his energy to ever be replicated again.

His death was a particularly harsh blow to Key Glock, who just so happens to be Dolph’s cousin and protege. Dolph spent his whole life next to Dolph, and when he passed, Glock couldn’t help but feel deep anguish, just as anyone in his situation would. The Instagram post below certainly speaks to the pain he’s felt over the past couple of weeks.

To commemorate the life of his cousin, Glock decided to get himself a photo-realistic tattoo of Dolph, which he ended up placing on his forearm, as you can see down below. The tattoo is incredibly well done, and it does a great job at capturing Dolph’s essence. These kinds of memorial tattoos are always cool to see, and it’s a dope way for Key Glock to show love to his fallen family member.

Let us know what you think of the new tattoo, in the comments section down below.

Young Dolph

Image via Key Glock