Kevin Spacey Admits To Flying With Jeffrey Epstein Despite Allegedly Not Knowing Who He Was

Kevin Spacey has spoken about his well-documented journey to Africa with former president Bill Clinton and enigmatic millionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein passed away in an apparent suicide while facing charges of trafficking young children for sex. The actor from House of Cards career took a hit when several sexual assault accusations surfaced in 2017. He asserted on Tuesday that he didn’t know Epstein or his later-found guilty accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell when he boarded the private plane for the 2002 trip. The revelation is an interesting one.

“I didn’t want to be around this guy because I felt he put the president at risk on that trip to South Africa because there were these young girls,” the actor said on “Piers Morgan Uncensored.” “We were like, ‘Who is this guy?’” In response to host Piers Morgan’s question, Spacey stated There were young girls on those flights.” In 2017, Spacey was charged with child molestation. Following the recent authentication of Epstein’s flight logs, which included Spacey’s name alongside Clinton’s, the actor’s private transactions came to light.

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Kevin Spacey Admits to Flying with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton

Kevin Spacey asserted on Tuesday that, although he “had become friends” with Clinton. This was before accepting that he had no clue who Epstein was when he boarded his plane as part of an “eight-day humanitarian trip.” The trip was to discuss AIDS prevention and awareness in 2002. “In 2015, I started seeing reports online, things on my Twitter account that I had flown to this guy Jeffrey Epstein’s island and I had abused young girls,” he told Morgan. “If you’d asked me in 2015 … did I know a guy named Jeffrey Epstein, I probably would’ve said, ‘No.’”

Spacey stated that although he “didn’t know him” and “never spent any time with him.” He has “since been able to go back and find out” that the aircraft used in 2002 “was owned by Jeffrey Epstein.” He also said that he and “this Maxwell woman” were on “some of those flights.” Spacey added, “I was with the Clinton Foundation people. That’s who I was with.” Spacey remembered concluding the trip with a visit to Buckingham Palace at Clinton’s invitation. The trip was to see Prince Andrew, who has a well-established relationship with Epstein. He denied having any knowledge of Maxwell, the man he was shown in the Throne Room with. Overall, Kevin Spacey revealed a lot of information about Epstein.

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