Kevin Garnett Still Hates Ray Allen

Kevin Garnett was one of the best trash talkers in the entire NBA during his reign in the league, and whenever you talk to his opponents, you quickly realize that the man was a sociopath on the court. Off the court, Garnett and some of his other former Celtics teammates like Paul Pierce have proven to be extremely petty. They are always slandering the likes of LeBron James, and at this point, it seems like the slander will never come to an end.

Garnett is also a staunch critic of Ray Allen, whom he won a championship with back in 2008. Allen left the Celtics to go win a championship with LeBron James’ Miami Heat, which rubbed Garnett the wrong way. Ever since then, he has gone out of his way to never acknowledge Allen again.

Kevin Garnett

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

For instance, KG recently took to his Instagram story with a repost of a photo where he is standing alongside Rajon Rondo and Paul Pierce. As you can see in the tweet below, KG purposely cropped out Allen, who was standing at the far end of the photo. The entire move was fairly deliberate and pretty transparent to all of the NBA fans out there.

Fans weren’t too kind to Garnett about the whole ordeal as they felt it was extremely childish, especially when you consider that he is a millionaire and that this happened many years ago. Garnett is known for beating a dead horse, and this slight against Allen was completely unnecessary.