Kevin Durant Reacts To Recent Retirement Rumor

Kevin Durant has been a huge part of the NBA rumor mill this offseason and he mostly has himself to blame for that. Of course, Durant decided to request a trade from the Brooklyn Nets which has led to all sorts of reports about his relationship with the team and who he might play for next. At this point, no one truly knows the answers to these questions, but that hasn’t stopped people from speculating.

Recently, a report from Marc Stein offered the surprising revelation that Durant would rather retire than play for the Nets next season. It is a pretty shocking statement and it’s a report that has had fans scared of the potential of Durant walking away from the game.

Kevin Durant

Elsa/Getty Images

Durant saw this report and clearly wasn’t a fan. In the tweet down below, Durant made reassured fans that he is not going anywhere and that they shouldn’t be believing source-less reports about himself.

“I know most people will believe unnamed sources over me but if it’s anyone out there that’ll listen, I don’t plan on retiring anytime soon. Shit is comical at this point,” Durant said.

With the NBA season about two months away, the KD rumors are only going to get more interesting. With that being said, stay tuned to HNHH for more NBA updates.