Kerry Washington Retracts Controversial Tweet About DMX & Prince Philip

By the very design of the platform, Twitter ends up hosting the opinions of celebrities who spoke out with good intentions. Cher recently came under fire for suggesting that if she had witnessed the killing of George Floyd, things may have gone differently. While good-natured in her intention, it was her word choice that landed her in hot water. Kerry Washington is the latest to accidentally put her foot in her mouth on the platform. 

Cindy Ord/Getty Images

Washington is the latest to be torn apart by social media users. In a since-deleted tweet, the Scandal actress suggested that DMX and Prince Philip, who both recently passed, were communicating together in the afterlife.

She wrote, “Anybody else wondering what DMX and His Royal Highness Prince Phillip are chatting about together at the pearly gates? My love to both their families. May they both Rest in Peace.”

The reaction that followed from social media users was as expected. At the time of the tweet’s deletion, it had reached around 7,500 quote tweets compared to 400 retweets and 3,500 likes. 

One user put it, “DMX and Prince Phillip going to two very different places…don’t lump in DMX with a white supremacist pls queen.” Anothe reasoned, “The assumption that DMX and that white man are going to the same place…now miss washington please.” 

Judging by the swift delete of the tweet, it seems Kerry Washington got the point. What’s your take?
