Kendrick Perkins Takes Shot At Charles Barkley

Kendrick Perkins has never been a stranger to making a headline. Perkins is well known for his outspoken personality. However, on today’s edition of ESPN’s First Take, Perkins went after another outspoken media member. Perkins called out Charles Barkley for his recent comments on the legacy of Kevin Durant. Durant has recently mentioned that his legacy doesn’t matter to him. However, Durant has had issues with Barkley in the past for statements he has made.

When talking about Durant’s legacy, Perkins mentioned “ringless” former players disrespecting champions. Perkins went on to further name-drop the former players he was speaking on. Barkley has long discussed his disdain for players building super teams. Obviously, when talking on that subject, Barkley mentions Durant. The Phoenix star has been the topic of super teams, with his tenure in Golden State and Brooklyn. Just how far did Perkins go when discussing Durant’s legacy? Check out the video below.

Kendrick Perkins Has Had Enough Of Barkley’s Disrespect

Durant has mentioned in recent interviews how whatever decisions he makes never pleases the fans. However, joining super teams is never a good way to state your case. But Kendrick Perkins is on Durant’s side. The former Boston Celtic believes those without rings don’t feel the pressure of a champion. The conversation wasn’t pointed solely at Barkley. However, Perkins was sure to give him some shine during the conversation. A conversation between these two would make for must-see television.

Conversations about a player’s legacy are important to fans and the media. Contrarily they shouldn’t be happening until the said player has retired. Durant’s legacy is not finished. It seems difficult for someone to speak on a legacy while a career is still in progress. One thing is for sure, Barkley will have no issue with answering Perkins’ statement. What are your thoughts on Perkins; statement? Should ringless players sit out of the conversations? Or do any Hall-of-Famers have the right to speak on the game? Let us know in the comment section below what your thoughts are. To stay up to date with the latest sports news, stay locked in with HNHH.