Kendrick Perkins Responds To Viral Video Of His Heavy Breathing

Kendrick Perkins became the butt of a joke recently after a viral video hit social media. The video appears to show Perkins heavily breathing during his appearance on First Take. However, Perkins says there’s a good reason behind the breathing in the video. In a reply to a fan on Twitter, Perkins claimed he is battling the flu. But the former NBA star took it even a step further. Emphatically stating that when some may take time off, that thought isn’t in his DNA.

The response seems like it was meant to be all in good fun. Dealing with something like the flu is never fun. However, Perkins powered through and delivered his segment. While it might not be like Jordan’s flu game, Perkins still delivered when asked. That;’s all you can ask from someone. Although his time on the show this morning wasn’t all centered around his battle with the flu. Perkins discussed the topic of the Dallas Mavericks sitting their stars with Stephen A. Smith. A topic that has garnered a lot of conversations.

Kendrick Perkins Doesn’t Allow The Flu To Slow Him Down

A lot has been discussed about the Mavericks decision this past Friday. The organization decided to sit star Luka Doncic while the team still had a chance at a playoff spot. However, the Mavericks didn’t hold their own destiny in regard to their playoff chances. In the end, the Mavericks wouldn’t have made the playoffs anyway. But sitting Doncic on Friday sent a strong message that the team didn’t have much faith, to begin with.

Kendrick Perkins became the target of a viral video Monday. But the moment doesn’t look like it has phased the ESPN star. Media personalities are under a microscope every time they are on the screen. It is great to see that Perkins was able to squash this situation before it got even bigger. Was it necessary to call out Perkins’ breathing on air? Should Perkins have even had to answer questions about his health? Sound off in the comment section with your opinions. For the latest NBA news, stay right here at HNHH.
