K. Michelle Admits She Looks Different But Shoots Down “Face Lift Lies”

Love & Hip Hop’s K. Michelle says she hasn’t gotten a facelift and her new look is a byproduct of living a “healthier than ever” lifestyle. Michelle spoke about the ongoing accusations in a verse posted on her Twitter.

“Yeah I know, I look different. I look better healthier than ever. I was down bad, some didn’t want me to get it back together. Ok now the face lift lies are getting old, I know it kills your soul, but God guided them doctors hands so that means he was in control.”

Included in the post was a new picture of herself.

K. Michelle, Face Lift
Noel Vasquez / Getty Images

Michelle has had to deny the accusations for several months, saying in June that she is the victim of cyberbullying

“Y’all are crazy. Do you see this is me? At first, I was just like, ‘Oh, okay. Let me just ignore it or whatever ’cause that’s just how people are.’ But you’re f*cking bullying somebody,” she said at the time. “What if somebody f*ckin’ had problems? I’m the person trying to help people with plastic surgery. I haven’t did nothing. I haven’t did nothing to my face. Y’all should stop that.”

Check out Michelle’s new tweet below.
