Jussie Smollett Faces 3 Years In Prison, Will Be Sentenced Today

We have officially reached the final stages of Jussie Smollett’s high-profile legal case, in which he will be sentenced for staging a hate crime against himself and lying to the police. The 39-year-old actor’s sentencing trial will take place on Thursday (March 10) and he is presently facing three years in prison. The evidence strongly suggests that the homophobic and racist hate crime during which Smollett was attacked in Chicago a few years ago was staged, with the actor providing instructions to Abel and Ola Osundairo, two Nigerian brothers who insist that Smollett was behind his own attack.

After a jury convicted Smollett of lying to the police in December, the time has come for the world to learn his sentencing. He will be sentenced today in the George N. Leighton criminal courthouse in Chicago. Smollett was previously convicted of five counts of felony disorderly conduct in this case. 

Rob Kim/Getty Images

The Empire actor told cops that two masked men attacked him during a late night in Chicago in January 2019. He claims that the men tied a noose around his neck and yelled, “This is MAGA country!” to support Donald Trump. It was later revealed that Smollett paid the Osundairo brothers $3,500 to stage the attack in order to elevate his career. It ended up doing the exact opposite, painting the actor as a liar and manipulator. 

We will keep you updated as Jussie Smollett is sentenced today. What do you think will happen? Let us know your predictions in the comments.

Chicago Police Department via Getty Images
