JR Smith Celebrates A 4.0 GPA In His First College Semester

JR Smith has been on a new journey over the last few months as he is currently playing golf for North Carolina A&T University. The former NBA champion has participated in various tournaments so far, and he has also been taking a plethora of classes. Having been out of school for a couple of decades, Smith had to work hard to sustain his grades in the classroom, and throughout the semester, Smith has been chronicling his journey.

Today, Smith got some great news that certainly put a big smile on the face of all of his fans, as well as his professors and teammates. Smith officially achieved a 4.0 GPA in his first official semester at college, which is the best GPA you can get. A 4.0 GPA is the gold standard, and Smith worked extremely hard to achieve it.

Smith also posted a video about his latest win, and as you can see from the smile on his face, this means the world to him. There were many haters on the internet who were telling him that he couldn’t do it, but in the end, he prevailed and showed people that you can do anything, regardless of your age.

“I can’t even describe the feeling… especially when you don’t think you can do it… you always hear about your disabilities,” he said.

While some have tried to discredit this achievement based on the classes he’s taken, it’s important to note that it has been a long time since he’s been in the classroom. This is not an easy transition to make, and his focus on getting that 4.0 GPA speaks volumes to just how badly he wanted this for himself. You can’t help but be happy for the man.