Joe Budden Calls Out New York Strip Clubs For Not Hiring Black Women

Joe Budden has been very adamant and open about his frequenting of strip clubs. The former rapper and current podcast host talks about strip club culture quite often, and there is no doubt that he knows quite a bit about what’s happening at these establishments, especially in New York City where he currently spends most of his time. 

Recently, Budden took to his Instagram story where he brought some awareness to a problem that has been brewing amongst New York strip clubs. As you will see in the story down below, Budden believes there is a lack of diversity as very few black women are being hired. He notes that all of the strippers look the same and while he has nothing against these women, he would like to see more black women represented at the club.

Joe Budden

Bennett Raglin/Getty Images for Brooklyn Chop House Times Square

“NY strip clubs, not only are you not hiring Black women, but you’re purposely hiring the SAME exact girl.. Your promoter having a type is gonna lose y’all money this Summer.  this is disgusting (not the girls, the optics),” Budden explained.

Joe Budden

Image via Instagram

It is very clear that Budden is passionate about this issue, however, it remains to be seen whether or not this passion will lead to any real change. Either way, Budden has now made many aware of this problem, which is something that could very well lead to a change in tune, in the near future.