Jay-Z & Roc-A-Fella Claim Legal Win In Dame Dash Lawsuit: Report

Dame Dash and Jay-Z’s relationship has been non-existent in the past decade but whatever issues they’ve had with each other have been exasperated further. Reports claimed that Dame Dash was attempting to sell Reasonable Doubt as an NFT which the Roc-A-Fella co-founder deemed untrue. He said that he was trying to sell his stake in the company

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Jay and Roc-A-Fella have taken a brief win in their case against Dame Dash. According to TMZ, a judge has ruled that Dame Dash is prohibited from moving forward with the sale of Reasonable Doubt as an NFT. Any of the auctions planned has also been barred, per the judge’s ruling. It’s a temporary prohibition on the NFT sale of Hov’s debut album and Dash likely won’t be going down without a fight. However, the judge said Jay-Z and Roc-A-Fella’s arguments were “deemed credible and correct.”

Alex Spiro, the attorney representing Jay-Z and Roc-A-Fella, accused Dash of trying to make quick bank off of the rising NFT trend. A lawsuit was filed to prevent the rights of Reasonable Doubt from being sold and demanded that any NFT’s that were created were turned over.

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Dash previously stated that Jay-Z attempted to purchase his third of the company’s share for “a price I deemed unacceptable.”

“When another black man calls another black man a thief, just to make him look bad, and so that they can devalue an asset that that other man owns, just because he won’t sell it to him at a low price — I don’t think the culture needs that,” Dash told Rolling Stone. “I just think it’s disappointing to also have a white lawyer calling me a thief on Juneteenth. It’s very representative of what they do to someone when they try to make a good guy look like a bad guy, just because he’s doing good business.”

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