Jack Harlow Jokes That He Ignored Fan Because Of Her Twitter Bio

As some celebrities opt to have their handlers, social media managers, or even record labels take control of their online presence, Jack Harlow has full control of his Twitter account. The rapper has been interacting with fans throughout his career as much as he can, but obviously, Harlow can’t respond to every single person who drops his name in a mention.

A fan has been reportedly tweeting Harlow with questions about when he would be making an appearance in New York, and she got a tad impatient after he didn’t reply to her inquiries.

“@jackharlow there’s no way you don’t see my tweets about shows in new york. you see all of milan’s tweets that means you see mine. you’re so ??????” she wrote the Kentucky native. Harlow took a minute to quip back, “I wasn’t ignoring you I just was following the instructions in your bio. New York soon [purple heart emojis].”

What was in her bio, you ask? “Don’t interact if you’re white,” the fan had written on her Twitter account. Unsurprisingly, the fan continued to tweet out to Harlow but it seems that was as much interaction with her that he could take for the time being. Check out a few tweets below.