Isiah Thomas Has Strong Words For Michael Jordan

The Last Dance documentary was must-see television. Not only because everyone was locked in their homes due to COVID-19 but because of how captivating it was. The documentary follows the 1998 Chicago Bulls and their quest to finish on a high note. During the documentary, fans quickly learned that old enemies don’t bury the hatchet so easily. Michael Jordan still seemed to hold a grudge against former Pistons guard Isiah Thomas.

Jordan shared his disdain for Thomas. Even going as far as to call him a few names that are NSFW. The reaction from fans of both Jordan and Thomas has been heated since the documentary. Many feel Jordan should apologize. While others feel Thomas is taking Jordan’s comments too seriously. Thomas wasn’t the only star to feel the wrath of Jordan in this documentary. Gary Payton and Reggie Miller could just as easily hold a grudge over Jordan. Whatever the case may be, Thomas has a simple solution for Jordan. If the comments weren’t serious, then apologize.

Isiah Thomas Awaits MJ’s Apology

Thomas probably isn’t waiting by the phone for an MJ apology. He probably isn’t anticipating Jordan to mention his name on television. However, if these two are ever to be acquaintances, it seems Jordan has a lot of work to do. At times during The Last Dance, it did feel that Jordan was slighting Thomas. Jordan’s battles with the “Bad Boys” Pistons will forever be legendary. That Pistons squad had the right combination to not just beat the Bulls but get under Jordan’s skin in the process. The full interview with Thomas will be released on SHOWTIME Basketball. The interview will be dropped in parts, with part 1 coming Thursday.

A rivalry that has spanned over thirty years won’t be fixed overnight. In some way, it seems the two still enjoy the banter. The competition still spreads like wildfire between the two Hall-of-Famers. Nonetheless, everyone has a side in the argument. Where do your loyalties lie? Are you team MJ? Or Team Thomas? Let your voice be heard in the comments below. To continue following the best sports content in the game today, follow HNHH.