Hulk Hogan Receives Chorus Of Boos At WrestleMania 37

While Hulk Hogan was one of the most popular wrestlers in the world during his prime, the man has taken a few hits over the years which has ultimately made him public enemy number one. From racist outbursts to sex tapes, Hogan has not been on his best behavior and for many WWE fans, he is no longer the good guy he once was. With that in mind, it should not be surprising that he would be boo’d into oblivion during a WWE appearance.

Well, that is exactly what happened last night as Hogan was placed alongside Titus O’Neil as the hosts of WrestleMania 37. While O’Neil was welcomed with open arms, Hogan did not receive the same treatment.

Hulk Hogan

Michael Dodge/AFL Media/Getty Images

In the Twitter clip which can be seen below, the fans immediately shower Hogan with boos as soon as he opens his mouth. Despite this, Hogan remains professional and allows the fans to keep going, all while he finishes his intro and goes on with the festivities. It is yet another example of how fans feel about Hogan these days, and it’s truly odd that the WWE chose him to host.

Tonight, WrestleMania will continue, and it is sure to provide some entertaining matches.

Hulk Hogan

Jerod Harris/Getty Images