Howard University Urged To Fire Phylicia Rashad Over Bill Cosby Support

Things took a drastic turn for Phylicia Rashad recently after she vocalized support for her friend. Bill Cosby was released from prison this week after his conviction was overturned on a technicality, and the decision divided the public. As soon as the news was shared, Rashad took to social media to say, “FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted – a miscarriage of justice is corrected!” 

Soon, the beloved actress was met with a fury of backlash as people condemned her for allegedly not supporting survivors of sexual assault. She returned to say that she stands by victims, but the outcry continued and soon, the dean of Howard University’s fine art college was being urged to step down from her position.

Howard University released a statement on the controversy saying Rashad’s “initial tweet locked sensitivity toward survivors of sexual assault.” They added that her personal opinions don’t “reflect Howard University’s policies” and they “stand with survivors and challenge systems that would deny them justice.”

Rashad has since deleted her social media messages supporting Cosby’s release, but still, she remains a target by those who wish to see her removed from her position at the HBCU. Detractors claim that Rashad would not be fit to hold a position where she may have to handle students who have been victims of sexual assault, while others think that the public is making something out of nothing. 

Meanwhile, Cosby continues to maintain his innocence and is celebrating his release with his loved ones. Read through a few posts below.