Halle Berry Calls Out Rob Lederman For Racist Remarks Comparing Her Skin To Toast

Halle Berry called out former 97 Rock radio host Rob Lederman, Friday, for racist comments he made on-air regarding women’s skin tones, earlier this week. Lederman was subsequently fired by the station, at which he hosts the “Morning Bull” show.

“Disgusting. It’s ridiculous this type of nonsense is still being broadcasted across airwaves,” Berry wrote on Twitter. “ALL Black women are beautiful and worthy, Rob Lederman. GTFOH.”

Lederman described Berry’s, Serena Williams’, and Gayle King’s skin tones by comparing them to toaster settings.

Halle Berry, Racist
Jason Merritt / Getty Images

The renowned actress has dealt with her share of crass comments from men in recent weeks. Berry recently fired back at one troll on Twitter who responded to a photo of her. 

Since being fired for his racist remarks, Lederman has apologized and admits that what he said sounds “horrible.”

“I could easily see how someone could be offended by that. I get that,” Lederman told The Buffalo News. “It sounds terrible, and it is terrible… Now, can I take back those words? No. If you listen to them, were they meant to be hurtful? Absolutely not.”

Lederman’s bosses at Cumulus Media released a statement confirming that he had been fired to People, on Thursday.

“CUMULUS MEDIA operates from a clearly-defined set of programming principles and there is no question that Rob Lederman’s comments made on The Morning Bull Show are in direct violation of those principles,” the statement read. “We swiftly terminated him and suspended the remainder of the show’s on-air talent. We apologize, and deeply regret the incident.”
