Gucci Mane’s 1017 Artists Pull Out Of Howard University Show In Solidarity Of Student Protests

No matter how prestigious or what the reputation of a college may be, students will find something to complain about when it comes to housing. However, students at Howard University say that conditions at the historically Black college are so severe that they had no other choice than to kick off a full-fledged protest.

According to reports, Howard students allege that the university has not attended to various grievances that include complaints of mold, rats, and roaches in the dormitories. As Howard prepares for their coveted homecoming weekend festivities, music artists are said to be protesting in solidarity.

Several of Gucci Mane’s 1017 artists were scheduled to take to the homecoming stage but when they learned of Howard’s protest, they decided to stand down. HotBoyWes, Big Scarr, and BiC Fizzle agreed they would support the students’ quest for better living conditions.

“Simply put, we hear you and we continue to welcome your viewpoints on all matters pertaining to Howard,” the university’s board of trustees reportedly said in a statement. “The goal is to cultivate spaces for us to listen and discuss prominent issues on students’ minds.”

Protesters have reportedly been met with threats from the police as well as Howard officials who told them that if this continues, they may be expelled. Some have complained that they are being denied food on campus as officials have locked them out of their facilities.
