Gilbert Arenas Hits Kwame Brown With More Disrespect Amid Feud

Gilbert Arenas and Kwame Brown used to be teammates on the Washington Wizards. If you’re a basketball fan, you are well aware of the fact that Arenas turned out to be the much better player, even though Brown was the higher draft pick. Brown turned out to be one of the biggest busts in the entire history of the NBA, all while Arenas is highly regarded as one of the most fun players to have participated in the 2000s era of NBA basketball.

Recently, these two have been going at each other’s necks. Just last week, Arenas even wrote a whole dissertation about Brown on Instagram, calling him a bum and a bust who could never succeed in the basketball world. This was after numerous comments in which Brown accused Arenas of taking money away from him, getting him benched, and even taking his girl.

Kwame Brown

Kevin C. Cox/BIG3/Getty Images

Brown eventually replied to Arenas’ comments, although no one really took his side. Now, Arenas is back, this time with a much more subdued 13-minute video in which he calmly explained his side of the story. As you will hear, Arenas says that Brown is simply jealous of his success and that he’s mad that Arenas became the player Kwame was supposed to be.

“I became what you were supposed to be, in Washington,” Arenas said. “I’m not jealous of you. I think we can get that clear now. I’m not jealous of you.”

Needless to say, Arenas gave Brown plenty of fodder for another response, although it remains to be seen whether or not he’ll actually want to do that. After all, when it comes to the game of basketball, Arenas has this debate secured.