Gal Gadot Says Joss Whedon Threatened Her Career, But She “Handled It”

Gal Gadot says that Joss Whedon threatened her career while working on 2017’s Justice League. In response, she says that she “took care of it.”

“I had my issues with Joss and I handled it. He kind of threatened my career and said if I did something, he would make my career miserable and I just took care of it instead,” Gadot said in an interview with Israel’s N12, as translated by

Gadot didn’t explain exactly what “handled it” entailed, but she has previously referenced having an uncomfortable experience with Whedon.

In response to Ray Fisher’s own allegations against Whedon, Gadot teased that her experience with the director “wasn’t the best.”

Gal Gadot, Joss Whedon
Christopher Polk / Getty Images

“I’m happy for Ray to go out and speak his truth,” Gadot told The LA Times. “I wasn’t there with the guys when they shot with Joss Whedon – I had my own experience with [him], which wasn’t the best one, but I took care of it there and when it happened. I took it to the higher-ups and they took care of it. But I’m happy for Ray to go up and say his truth.”

After Gadot’s interview was published, Fisher tweeted about Whedon’s relationship with Warner Bros.

“And to think, @wbpictures let Joss Whedon walk away and become a liability for their sister corporation.”
