Forbes Reveals Top-Five Most Expensive Sports Franchises

If you are a rich billionaire with more money than you know what to do with, owning a professional sports franchise could very well be the right move for you. Depending on which team you buy and the market the franchise resides in, you could stand to make a whole lot of money on your initial investment. Various sports teams have seen a tremendous uptick in value and a lot of it has to do with rising ticket prices and TV deals that are worth billions upon billions of dollars.

Every single year, Forbes comes out with a list which details the five most expensive teams in the entire world. Today, the list came out, and right at the top, we have the Dallas Cowboys who are worth $5.7 billion. Unsurprisingly, the New York Yankees are second at $5.4 billion while the Knicks are right behind at $5 billion.

Rounding out the list are two soccer teams in FC Barcelona and Real Madrid who are worth $4.76 billion and $4.75 billion, respectively. It should come as no surprise that there are European soccer teams near the top of the list as these brands are known on an international level. Meanwhile, the Dallas Cowboys have always been one of the most valuable franchises out there and we’re sure Jerry Jones is happy to be atop the list.

Let us know if you’re surprised by any of these inclusions, in the comments below.

James Dolan

Ethan Miller/Getty Images