Floyd Mayweather Refuses Photo With Fan Due To Painted Nails

Floyd Mayweather has been making quite a few public appearances as of late, and over the weekend, he decided to enjoy him in Los Angeles as the Clippers took on the Memphis Grizzlies at the Staples Center. Mayweather has been seen courtside at numerous Clippers and Lakers games in the past, and whenever he does so, he is always greeted by eager fans who either want a picture or a simple autograph.

While Mayweather is always surrounded by security, there are times where he will take a few moments to pose with fans and make their day. This past Saturday, however, Mayweather rejected one fan in a pretty brutal fashion for a fairly ridiculous reason.

Floyd Mayweather

Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images 

In a video reposted by TMZ from the Relax Turtle YouTube channel, Mayweather could be seen refusing a photo-op with a fan because the teenager had painted nails. “You got painted nails, I don’t take pictures with guys with no painted nails,” stated matter of factly before his security got in the face of the fan.

Clearly, Mayweather believes nail polish is still a “woman” thing despite the fact that more men are wearing nail polish than ever before, and no, it’s not because of some “agenda.” Even hip-hop artists like Lil Yachty have their own nail polish brand, which just goes to show how much the trend has grown.

In the end, the fan went on their way as there was really no point arguing with the boxing legend. While we’re sure it was a disappointing encounter, the fan can rest easy knowing that it probably won’t happen ever again.
