Ex-NBA Star Cedric Ceballos Reveals COVID-19 ICU Battle

COVID-19 has been an incredibly difficult virus to deal with as it continues to mutate into various variants all while infecting those who are vaccinated and have stayed protected. It’s a difficult time for everyone and there are so many people who have been affected in a negative way. Various current and former athletes have been open about their struggles with COVID, and now, another player is being added to that list.

Former NBA star and dunk champ Cedric Ceballos is now dealing with the virus and as a result, he has had to stay in the ICU. Today, Ceballos shared an update on his condition through social media, and as you can see, he is asking for prayers during this difficult time.

Cedric Ceballos

Image via Getty

“On my 10th day in ICU, COVID-19 is officially kicking my but, I am asking ALL family, friends, prayer warriors, healers, for your prayers and well wish for my recovery,” he wrote. “If I have done and anything to you in the past, allow me to publicly apologize. My fight is not done.”

This is yet another example of just how devastating the virus can be, even a year and a half into the pandemic. During this time, we extend our well wishes to Ceballos, and anyone else dealing with this virus.