Eric Adams Sued For Sexual Assault, New York City Mayor Denies Claims: Report

New York City Mayor Eric Adams now faces claims of sexual assault in a new lawsuit that stems from an alleged incident from thirty years ago. Moreover, the (as of press time) unidentified plaintiff seeks at least $5 million in damages, and claims the act occurred in 1993 when both worked as city employees, as he was previously an NYPD officer. This suit comes under the Adult Survivors Act, a law similar to the Child Victims Act that allows for victims to come forward with sexual misconduct accusations via civil suits, regardless of when the incident itself occurred. The deadline for this act’s validity is tomorrow (Saturday, November 24), so a lot of legal action is coming in against alleged abusers as a result.

Like many others accused of similar crimes, Eric Adams denied any and all claims of sexual abuse. “It absolutely did not happen,” he told reporters, according to Politico. “I don’t recall ever meeting this person. And I would never harm anyone in that magnitude. It did not happen.” The Big Apple’s mayor also faces multiple other large issues, such as his budget cuts and an investigation into his campaign’s financial activity of behalf of federal authorities.

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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Hit With Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Another notable case of the Adult Survivors Act is the allegations against Diddy, which spiraled into multiple lawsuits. This particular lawsuit against Eric Adams also names the City of New York, the NYPD’s transit bureau, and its Guardian Association as codefendants. In addition to his own remarks, a spokesperson for him told The Hill of the alleged falsehood of these claims. “The mayor does not know who this person is,” they stated. “If they ever met, he doesn’t recall it. But he would never do anything to physically harm another person and vigorously denies any such claim.”

Meanwhile, others like Jamie Foxx also face accusations of sexual misconduct as a result of this act. As such, the court and all parties involved will scrutinize which case is legitimate and which one is taking advantage of this deadline. Hopefully all victims get justice in this and find some consolation or heal in a significant way. For more big updates on Eric Adams, keep checking in with HNHH.

Read More: Eric Adams Says NYPD Should Not Be “Demonized” After Controversial Arrest Of Rapper C-Blu


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