Enes Kanter Freedom Finds A New Target In Jeremy Lin

Enes Kanter Freedom has been going off as of late due to his distaste for the Chinese Communist Party. After speaking out against Erdogan in his native Turkey, Kanter began to face political persecution, and as a result, he has had to remain in the United States. Over the past few months, however, Kanter has shifted his focus to China as he looks to call out those who seemingly support the regime. As many already know, Kanter has been going after LeBron James, specifically.

Now, Kanter is shifting his attention to Jeremy Lin. Lin is of Chinese descent, however, he was born in California and has never shown support to the CCP, ever. Despite this, Kanter felt like going after an Asian player like Lin was a smart thing to do, and on Sunday, he issued some harsh words towards the former NBA star.

Enes Kanter Freedom

Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

“Shame on you @JLin7,” Kanter said. “Haven’t you had enough of that Dirty Chinese Communist Party money feeding you to stay silent? How disgusting of you to turn your back against your country & your people. Stand with Taiwan! Stop bowing to money & the Dictatorship. Morals over Money brother.”

Kanter’s message was not received well at all, as some even called it racist. After all, going after the one Chinese player you know is pretty despicable, especially if Lin has nothing to do with the regime whatsoever. Sure, Lin played in the CBA, but that is far different than actually supporting the country’s government. 

For Kanter, however, that doesn’t seem to matter as his tweets are giving him the engagement and clout he desires.