Elon Musk’s Dad Has Child With Former Stepdaughter

Over the years, the Elon Musk family tree has become increasingly complicated. Musk has fathered numerous children and it doesn’t seem like he has any plans of slowing down. For instance, Musk fathered twins with a high-ranking Tesla employee, and he believes it is his moral duty to deal with the underpopulation crisis that we are supposedly having.

According to the New York Post, Elon’s father Errol is also a prominent child-haver. In fact, Errol has admitted to fathering a second child with his former stepdaughter Jana Bezuidenhout. Jana is currently 35 years old, while Errol is 76. The two had their first child together in 2017, and as Errol explains, this second child was unexpected and they had it in 2019.


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The two are no longer living together, and as Errol explained, it all has to do with the age gap. “Any man who marries a [younger] woman, even if you feel very sprightly, it’s going to be nice for a while, but there’s a big gap … and that gap is going to show itself.”

Errol became Jana’s stepfather when she was four years old as he married her mother Heide Bezuidenhout. Eventually, Errol got together with Jana and the two have been together since. 

Now, Elon has another sibling to add to his continuously growing family.
