Dylan Gonzalez Releases Statement Regarding Her Trey Songz Rape Accusation

Over the past two years, there have been numerous occasions where Trey Songz has been accused of sexual assault of misconduct. Whether it be from Bebe RexhaCelina Powell and her friend, Karrine Steffans, or a woman in Las Vegas, Songz has been alleged to have done a lot of wrongdoing.

Most recently, former UNLV women’s college basketball star and musician Dylan Gonzalez tweeted an accusation of rape against Trey Songz on New Year’s Eve two weeks ago: “Trey Songz is a rapist. Lord forgive me I Couldn’t hold that in another year. See you in 2022.”

After the world reacted to this news, Dylan decided to release a longer, more explanatory statement about the accusation and how it affected her on Jan. 11: “With what seems like endlessly recurring news of the alleged sexual assaults committed by Trey Songz, I am forced to repeatedly relive in my mind, and suffer anew, the long-suppressed horror and unbearable PTSD of my rape by his very hands at a well-known Las Vegas Hotel.”

She continued by saying she supports all rape survivors and urged them to use their voice to condemn their abusers: “I want to send my love, strength and hope to all who are victims of sexual assault and its fatal nature. You are not alone. I stand with you and encourage all those who have suffered abuse to speak out and come forward. Suppression of our voices only emboldens our oppressors, and you cannot heal what you do not reveal.”

After getting that off of her chest, Dylan said she is evaluating her legal options at the moment: “At this time, I humbly request my privacy, consideration and compassion while I fully commit to pursue the best course of action and all of my legal options. Gracias Mi Gente, Dyl.”

We will continue to update this story as it develops. Check out Gonzalez’s post below.