Duke Still Preparing For NCAA Tournament Bid, Despite COVID-19 Scare: Report

Duke’s 2020-21 men’s basketball season might not be over after all, after new reports suggest the team could still participate in the NCAA tournament as an at-large bid or as a COVID-19 replacement team. Earlier this week, Duke withdrew from the ACC tournament after someone within the organization tested positive for the coronavirus.

The school’s athletic director, Kevin White, originally stated that this would be the end of the team’s season; however, ESPN’s Rece Davis reports that this has changed and that they are currently preparing for a potential tournament selection.

Duke, NCAA Tournament
Streeter Lecka / Getty Images

At the time of the announcement, head coach Mike Krzyzewski released a statement that echoed White’s stance:

While our season was different than any other that I can remember, I loved the 2020-21 Duke Basketball team and was honored to be their coach. We have not asked more of any team in our history, and they deserve enormous credit for handling everything like the outstanding young men they are. I feel deeply for our players, who have done a terrific job all season in taking care of each other and the team. I am extremely proud of their collective attitudes and effort, which could not have been stronger. We are disappointed we cannot keep fighting together as a group after two outstanding days in Greensboro. This season was a challenge for every team across the country and as we have seen over and over, this global pandemic is very cruel and is not yet over. As many safeguards as we implemented, no one is immune to this terrible virus.

2021 NCAA Selection Sunday is scheduled to take place on March 14th.
