Dr Umar Johnson Believes Diddy Is Going To Start A Mega Church Following Cassie Assault Footage Scandal

Dr Umar Johnson is someone who comments on some of the biggest topics in pop culture. Overall, Dr. Umar is known for having some controversial opinions. However, he has a pretty sizable fanbase who agrees with a lot of what he has to say. While some may take offense to his words, it is clear that he knows how to get people talking, for better or for worse. Recently, Dr Umar has been tapped into the Diddy situation, which reached a significant development on Friday.

As many of you are already aware, Diddy was caught on camera allegedly beating Cassie. This footage came from a hotel where the two were staying in 2016. Overall, the footage was incredibly shocking and upsetting. It subsequently led to people proclaiming that the mogul is finished in the industry and that there is no coming back from any of this. When it comes to Dr Umar Johnson, he believes that Diddy has a plan in place. As he explains in the Instagram post below, he believes that Diddy is going to be creating a mega-church with the help of TD Jakes.

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Dr Umar Johnson Speaks

Dr. Umar claims that Diddy will be baptized and that creating this church will make him more money than he ever made as a music mogul. Essentially, Johnson believes that Diddy is going to become some sort of grifter with religion as his main focus. Of course, this is simply a prediction and not a true sign of what is to come. Moreover, Dr. Umar also spoke about colorism and how it plays into the backlash Diddy is receiving. He questioned whether or not society would be as upset with Diddy had he assaulted a woman of darker complexion.

Let us know what you think of this take from Dr Umar, in the comments section down below. Do you believe that Diddy can come back from what just occurred? What do you think is going to happen next to the music mogul? Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from around the music world. We will continue to keep you informed on all of your favorite artists and their upcoming projects.

Read More: Dr. Umar Doubles Down On Eminem Comments

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