Domani Reviews Snacks From Around The World

Domani is fresh off the release of his new album SKYDIVE, and during a recent trip to Los Angeles, the rapper stopped by our office for the latest episode of Snack Review

Watching what he puts in his body, Domani notes in the two-part episode that he just recently started eating salmon again, but he limits his dairy and meat intake. He says he started being more conscious about what food he eats when he turned fourteen, cutting off fast food options when he has the choice. His daily diet consists of lots of veggies and other clean choices, but Domani reveals that his favorite restaurant is a spot in Atlanta, which serves vegan food, tacos, and more.

During his latest interview with us, Domani reviewed a bunch of snacks from around the world before answering questions about his favorite meals, restaurants, and more. He also revealed that if he were to start his own food truck, he would make a vegan, plant-based spot that’s open during late hours, pointing out that the healthy vegan places are never open too late into the night.

Learn more about Domani and his food preferences in the two videos above and below, and make sure to check out his new album here.