Deshaun Watson’s Lawyer Claims QB Had Consensual Sex With Massage Therapists

Deshaun Watson has been the biggest story in the NFL over these past three weeks as he has been accused of sexually assaulting 22 massage therapists in the Houston area. According to these allegations, Watson would seek out the services and would then get inappropriate with the women who say what he did was not consensual. Throughout the process, Watson and his lawyer Rusty Hardin have denied all of the accusations and are fighting to have the women ID themselves.

Now, Hardin is coming out with even more alleged information about Watson’s conduct. In fact, Hardin is claiming that Watson did have sexual relations with massage therapists although, on every single occasion, it was consensual. Of course, this is a direct counter to what many of the women have said. His accusers claim he continued to act in inappropriate ways despite being told “no” on numerous occasions.

Deshaun Watson

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Per Pro Football Talk:

“Hardin admitted that consensual sexual encounters sometimes occurred with massage therapists. Hardin insists, however, that he did not coerce the massage therapists or use his status as a celebrity to violate the ability of the massage therapists to provide consent.”

Ashley Solis, a massage therapist who came forward, says she has received death threats in light of her accusations, which has led attorney Tony Buzbee to ask that the women not be forced to expose themselves. For now, the judge has ruled with Watson and Hardin on this topic, and details surrounding the case continue to emerge.

Deshaun Watson

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