Deshaun Watson Reportedly Tried To Settle Sexual Assault Lawsuits

Deshaun Watson has been in the news quite a bit over the last couple of weeks as he has been accused of sexual assault by numerous women, who all claim to be massage therapists that were assaulted by the star. At first, Watson was being sued by one woman, which led to a few more coming with their own lawsuits. Now, Watson is being sued by 19 women, and they all have similar stories about how Watson took advantage of their vulnerability and line of work.

According to ESPN, Watson received three more lawsuits against him today, and one of them is alleging that he tried to settle the lawsuit out of court. The woman says Watson has tried to delete Instagram messages and other correspondences as a way to scrub evidence.  

Deshaun Watson

Carmen Mandato/Getty Images

The lawyer in the case, Tony Buzbee, says the women aren’t interested in a payout and that they want to see Watson’s behavior change for good. “Plaintiffs have not brought these cases for money or attention; instead Plaintiffs seek a change in behavior with regard to Watson and a change of culture in the NFL,” he said.

This story continues to develop every single day and with the NFL investigating Watson, there will certainly be some updates in the short-term. Stay tuned for any new details, as we will be sure to bring them to you.

Deshaun Watson

Carmen Mandato/Getty Images
