D.L. Hughley Condemns Black Twitter For Lack Of Compassion About Queen’s Death

The global reaction to the death of Queen Elizabeth II has been a mixed bag. Yesterday, it was shared that the British monarch died “peacefully” at 96 years old, and immediately, there was a wave of condolences and “God save the queen” comments throughout social media. However, not everyone expressed grief over the longest reigning monarch’s death, including thousands of Irish soccer fans who interrupted a game by chanting “Lizzy’s in a box” while in the stands.

Meanwhile, Black Twitter has been targeted for their reactions to the news, and when asked about it, D.L. Hughley condemned them. “I think that anybody that holds the idea that you can’t be sad for somebody when they pass on, I think lacks a level of humanity,” said the comedian.

“I’m not a monarchist but I can see—even if you ain’t a queen. Somebody lost they grandmother and their mother. Somebody lost a dear family member.” Hughley went on to express disappointment in people not having compassion for the Royal Family’s loss. “I think it shows the lack of humanity that we kind of seem to be in for these days.”

When asked about the Queen representing a monarchy responsible for global atrocities, some of which took place in her lifetime, the comedian seemed dismissive. He recognized that there have been “problematic” ideals, but said, “Her race is over now. Whatever she’s done, she’s gon’ be judged for.”

Watch D.L. Hughley drive home his point below.