CupcakKe Isn’t To Be Messed With On “Mickey”

Ever since bursting onto the hip-hop scene, CupcakKe has always been known for her raunchy lyrics that always reference sex in the clearest ways possible. Even the spelling of her name is a reference to a sexual act, which should tell you everything you need to know about her content. With every new song, she continues to grow as a songwriter, and on Friday, she delivered a brand new effort called “Mickey.”

With this song, CupcakKe can be heard over some unique production, all while lamenting about a guy she seemed to be cool with but eventually, he got too comfortable and wasted her time by hanging around other women. This leads to some aggressive bars about how she’s sick of being played and that moving forward, she will have all the power in her relationships. She has whoever she wants on speed dial, and is empowered to call them whenever it pleases her.

It’s yet another dope track from CupcakKe, and you can check it out, below.

Quotable Lyrics:

This that don’t call my motherfuckin’ phone no more
You want that bitch? Then you can have that hoe (Oh yeah)
Only time you seeing me now it’s through a slideshow
Tried to ride for you but man you drive too slow (Skrr)