Cordae Educates The Youth On “Taxes” For Netflix Show “We The People”

Taxes… they suck, but we’ve all got to pay them. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Sometimes, it can be pretty difficult to wrap your head around the concept of taxes, but they’re important to keep our cities running as they do. Even the former President didn’t pay his taxes… so why should we? Well, rapper Cordae broke down the reasons why on his latest song “Taxes,” which is featured in Netflix’s We The People.

The new track, produced by Take A Daytrip, looks at how taxes became a thing, where that money is spent, and why it’s so important that everyone pays them on time. If you’re looking to educate yourself on taxes, or you’ve got a little brother or sister that could learn about financial literacy, show them this new record from Cordae.

What do you think of “Taxes?”

Quotable Lyrics:

You see, taxes pay for roads and interstates
And our local library that they just had to renovate
Not to mention, I grew up on food stamps and Section 8
All of which co-exist because of taxes we pay