Chris Weidman Is Already Walking On His Own After Brutal Leg Break

Back in April, Chris Weidman suffered a devastating injury while in the Octagon with Uriah Hall. While attempting a leg kick early in the match, Weidman’s leg gave out on him which led to a truly gruesome scene. At the time, it seemed like Weidman would never compete in the UFC again and there were even worries about what his recovery could be like.

Now, Weidman is showcasing perhaps one of the quickest recoveries we have ever seen when it comes to such a massive injury. In the video clip below, Weidman can be seen walking on his own without a boot or even so much as a cane. While he does have a limp, Weidman looks amazing and he’s only just a month into rehab.

“I started walking on my own today. Big day. I appreciate all the love and support it has motivated me so much,” Weidman wrote. For now, there is no word on when he might return to the Octagon, and given what’s happened, there’s no guarantee he would even want to go back. Regardless, his recovery just goes to show what can happen when you’re determined enough to prove people wrong.

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Chris Weidman

Alex Menendez/Getty Images