Chris Weidman Demonstrates Incredible Progress After Breaking Leg

Chris Weidman is well-respected in the MMA world and when he suffered a gruesome injury against Uriah Hall just a few weeks ago, many were worried about his well-being. At 36 years old, it’s hard to return from injuries, and it’s even harder to return from snapping your leg in half. The image of Weidman falling on his own broken leg has been stuck in people’s minds for weeks now, and it was hard for many to imagine what it would take for him to walk again. 

Well, just three weeks later, Weidman is already back on his feet, with some assistance of course. In a new video obtained by TMZ, Weidman can be seen walking around a fitness area while on crutches. You can hardly tell his leg had been snapped just weeks earlier and in all honesty, this progress is pretty miraculous.

On Instagram, Weidman noted that he is slowly but surely getting the circulation back into his leg and that every day, he is working on new routines that are helping him get back his strength. It’s going to be a long road back but Weidman seems determined and his family is definitely giving him a ton of support right now.

Hopefully, he’s able to keep up this pace and get back to normal life sooner rather than later.
