Chad Johnson Leaves Generous $1,000 Tip At Houston Restaurant

Chad Johnson has consistently been extremely generous over the years when it comes to tipping at restaurants. Whenever he goes out to dine, you can be sure that he is going to tip well over the standard percentage. When you have been a professional athlete for so many years, you can afford to be that kind to random people, and there is no denying that his efforts are appreciated amongst those who benefit.

Recently, Johnson was in Houston, Texas where he visited the Turkey Leg Hut and gave out one of his signature tips. Despite only having a $4 bill, he decided to tip $1,000. He then posted the bill on his Twitter page with the caption, “Proverb 11:25.”

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed,” the proverb reads. Needless to say, Johnson has dedicated his life to being generous with his money and you can’t help but love what he is doing to better people’s lives. We can only imagine how the employees reacted upon seeing such a massive gesture.

With Johnson’s past random acts of kindness in mind, we’re almost positive he won’t be stopping this trend anytime soon. Regardless, these efforts are appreciated, especially when you take the current economic reality into consideration.

Chad Johnson

Alika Jenner/Getty Images
