United Justice Coalition’s Inaugural Social Justice Conference to Have Appearances from From Families of Eric Garner, Botham Jean, Antwon Rose, Terence Crutcher

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The panels for the United Justice Coalition’s (UJC) first-ever social justice summit, which will be held at Center415 in New York City and cover important subjects like wrongful conviction, decriminalizing mental illness, prison conditions, American policing, exiting the criminal justice system, and more, were announced today.

The families of Eric Garner, Botham Jean, Antwon Rose II, and Terence Crutcher are scheduled to take part in a panel discussing how they turned their anger into advocacy after their loved ones were tragically shot and killed by police officers. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson has been asked to give the invocation speech.

They join the list of renowned activists, artists, attorneys, specialists, and more who have already been confirmed to speak at the event, including Yo Gotti, Charlamagne tha God, Ben Crump, Dr. Bernice A. King, Letitia James, Soledad O’Brien, Ari Melber, and Dr. Alfiee Breland Noble. The complete list of panelists is provided below, and participants can register to attend HERE.

Additionally, the summit will feature a networking and idea-exchange space where attendees can network with representatives from over 40 different advocacy groups. Black Voters Matter, REFORM Alliance, Innocence Project, Until Freedom, Dream Corps, Time Done, Anti-Recidivism Coalition, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Association of Sheriffs, National Lawyers Guild, and other groups are among those taking part.

“In the wake of so many tragedies and after decades of unfair and unjust policing of our communities and our bodies, the work that the UJC is doing to turn pain into purpose is urgent and necessary,” said Robert F. Smith, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Vista Equity Partners; and REFORM Alliance Founding Partner. “From adversity, we can always find a new sense of hope and a broader community of support.”

“REFORM is thrilled to support the UJC Summit Inaugural Social Justice Convention,” REFORM Alliance CEO Robert Rooks said. “Team Roc has done an incredible job bringing together a diverse and dynamic group of people to talk about real solutions to advance safety and justice for communities across America. We are excited about our continued partnership to fix our broken criminal justice system through urgently needed probation and parole reform.”

The event is sponsored by JPMorgan Chase, REFORM Alliance, The Athlete’s Foot, Robert F. Smith, and Block. Additional support comes from Lyft, Hard Rock Hotel New York, NOBODY, Selina Hotel – Chelsea, and OUTFRONT.

“One in three Americans have an arrest or conviction record, creating significant barriers to employment for a substantial number of working-age adults,” said Diedra Porché, Head of Community and Business Development, Chase. “Meaningful jobs and a solid financial foundation are central to efforts to unlock lasting economic opportunity for more people. JPMorgan Chase is focused on efforts to give people with criminal backgrounds a second chance, and supporting their reentry into the workforce and community are a key part of this commitment.”

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Team ROC and United Justice Coalition’s Founding Member Dania Diaz Talks Social Justice Summit to Combat Injustice and Unify Communities

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United Justice Coalition (UJC) has announced a one-of-a-kind social justice summit on July 23 at Center415 in New York City, which will bring together the country’s top activists, entertainers, attorneys, entrepreneurs, professors, experts, media personalities, organizations, and more to discuss combating social and racial injustice.

The UJC is a think-tank of specialists from various industries that joined together informally in 2019 to share resources, information, ideas, and assistance in order to align on strategic solutions to fight structural injustice across the United States. They’ve collaborated behind the scenes over the years to raise awareness about important issues, draft and push bipartisan legislation, laws, and policies, and mobilize support for grassroots organizations around the country.

UJC’s founding advisory board members are made up of Team ROC, along with a list of powerful figures including Charlamagne Tha God, attorney Ben Crump, Dream Corps founder Van Jones, attorney Angela Rye, Mysonne, attorney Alex Spiro, Gayle King, Michael Eric Dyson, Until Freedom co-founder Tamika Mallory and more.

“The United Justice Coalition started as an informal meeting of the minds, but it has quickly evolved into a more purposeful initiative to create change in our communities,” Team ROC and UJC founding member Dania Diaz said. “Our goal for this summit is to spark discussion and collaboration and take a solution-oriented approach to reforming America’s antiquated policies. At the end of the day, we are all bonded by one common goal – to eradicate injustice.”

Speaking exclusively with The Source, Diaz spoke about what led to this event, creating it, and the important work it will do in the future.

Dania Diaz Headshot

The Source: What recent activities led to the creation of this one-of-a-kind social justice event?

Dania Diaz: When the United Justice Coalition formed in 2019, we knew early on that we wanted to host a summit to bring the broader public together in conversation, collaboration, and action. Unfortunately, when the pandemic occurred, we had to pause on the Summit idea and found other ways to make impact. Over the years, we have worked together to amplify critical issues, advance just policies, and leverage support for on-the-ground organizations across the country and now we’re incredibly excited to take it to the next level and bring the vision for the UJC Summit to reality.

How complicated was it to put this event together, but also not lose track of current developments in social justice?

Everything of value requires thoughtful and intentional work. And you have to be passionate and care about what you are doing.  So with that said, it’s neither complicated nor easy, but necessary and required. The UJC’s incredible advisors keep one another abreast of the issues of collective concern. 

Some advisors are families that have lost loved ones to police violence, some members are organizing masses on the ground to protect our civil rights, some are litigating cases of wrongful conviction – pro bono. Others are using their media platforms to amplify issues, or are in the classroom educating the next generation of social justice leaders. We come together with our individual expertise and unique lens to keep one another informed and to collectively take action. For example, Team Roc’s justice work in Parchman Prison in Mississippi, where the DOJ recently declared that the conditions violated the Constitution’s 8th and 14th Amendments, was supported by the UJC’s body of experts. 

This event brings experts together from various industries – how important is it to have and what is hoped for when you combine these various minds?

This Summit is about advancing justice through thoughtful, diverse, collaborative learning and exchange. In order to achieve that we need to engage different perspectives and viewpoints to be shared, so productive solutions-focused conversations can take place. We want everyone who cares about social justice, criminal justice reform, equity and human life to be at the Summit. If you are seeking to learn, share, network, take action – we want you at the Summit. 

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